Chanakya SSB Academy In Dehradun

Gp.Capt. Sangeeta Kathait.(Veteran)

Ex. Psychologist, Air Force Selection Board Dehradun.

Group Captain Sangeeta Kathait ,a combatant member of the elite Indian AirForce,was commissioned,in the year 1998.She has served the elite force, for 21 years and was commended by the Chief of Air staff. On two different occasions. She has been in the thick of actions during various operations, in the demand of time,while the nation faced adversities,across the border. Besides being an administrator in the fields of operational challenge,she also had been a creative head in the specially tasked publicity cell of the Indian Air Force.

She had been posted to the Air force selection board ,as a psychologist, after successful completion of the taxing and arduous course,and had done a great justice in the process of selecting potential candidates,to train them later at Various defence academies,to be a proud and deserving commissioned officer.

She had been posted to the Air force selection board ,as a psychologist, after successful completion of the taxing and arduous course,and had done a great justice in the process of selecting potential candidates,to train them later at Various defence academies,to be a proud and deserving commissioned officer.

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